Considering the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 26) / A description of the resurrection body we will possess, even those who are “raptured” at the last trump.
Considering the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 26) / A description of the resurrection body we will possess, even those who are “raptured” at the last trump.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 23) / The next future event on God’s prophetic timetable is the rapture of the church. This “blessed hope” could occur at any moment.
Considering the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 25) / If there is no resurrection, why be baptized (“identified”) in connection with those who have died? Why subject one’s self to the onslaught of persecution that believers face on a daily basis, if the resurrection is not true?
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 22) / The Bible provides the believer with guidelines for living in the last days before Christ’s return amid the rampant compromise and apostasy in the church.
Considering the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 24) / Christ was risen from the dead as the Firstfruits, the downpayment, the guarantee, of our resurrection. If He did not rise from the dead, then neither will we rise in the order specified.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 21) / The New Testament warns believers that as the age progresses, the church will battle false teaching and false teachers from within and without.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 20) / What role does money play in the ministry of the church? God’s Word explains that believers should give cheerfully and generously as God enables.
Considering the Church in Cornith in the 21st Century (pt. 22) / The intent of all the gifts, especially the “sign gifts” (“tongues” and “prophesying”) was to “build up” the local body of Christ in communication of divine revelation. With the completion of the canon of Scripture the supernatural sign gifts are not necessary today. Moreover, they are impossible, given the apostles are no longer present today!
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 19) / A conclusion of a study of the ordinances of the church and an introduction to a consideration of the grace of giving.
Considering the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 21) / Without love (“charity”), the ultimate motive for service in the local church, nothing of value is accomplished
Considering the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 20) / A a human body has many “parts,” each with a specific intended function, together the parts comprise the body to make one whole/complete. So also, the church “body” has many “parts,” each with specific purposes, yet each necessary to make the local church body whole/complete.
The Ordinances of the Church (pt. 18) / A conclusion of the Biblical illustrations of the church and an introduction to the two ordinances of the local church: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Considering the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 19) / Paul’s teaching on “spiritual” gifts, to be used in the church for the building up of the body, not individuals.
Picture This: Christ’s Church (pt. 17) / In Scripture, we find several analogies or illustrations of the church. From these, we can imply several truths that help us understand our role and responsibilities as believers.
Just as God demonstrates His love to His children, fathers are to demonstrate the same love to their children. The Bible describes at least three characteristics of the Father’s love.
Picture This: Christ’s Church (pt. 16) / In Scripture, we find several analogies or illustrations of the church. From these, we can imply several truths that help us understand our role and responsibilities as believers.
Considering the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 17) / Paul’s correction of the conduct of the Corinthian believers extended even to their abuse of each other at the Lord’s Table. Here he insists on specific decorum and manners as they “remember the Lord’s death till He come.”
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 15) / How we interact with non-Christians matters to God and others. Believers must always reflect the love and kindness of Jesus Christ.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 14) / The Bible describes how believers are to interact with one another in the body of Christ.
Consider the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 15) / Church ministry is not about self indulgence (as illustrated by Israel in the wilderness wandering), but rather focusing on others and the glory of God in all we do, as did Paul!
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 13) / God’s Word provides great detail concerning how believers are to interact with one another in the body of Christ.
The compelling testimony and witness one woman had on her son, and the enduring impact that they have had throughout church history is astounding!
Considering the Church in Corinth in the 21st Century (pt. 13) / Though he was an Apostle, Paul was willing, and often did, forego any privileges inherent in that office for the sake of the gospel being freely presented in absolute sincerity and integrity.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 12) / A consideration of the pastor’s responsibility toward God.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 11) / A consideration of the elder’s role and responsibilities as an undershepherd of God’s flock.