God indicts Israel on 12 counts for their failure to honor and remain faithful to Him.
God indicts Israel on 12 counts for their failure to honor and remain faithful to Him.
Daniel: Who’s Really in Control? (Part 1) / A series through the book of Daniel. Through the good times and the bad, God is always in control and He reveals His plan of the ages.
God indicts Israel on 12 counts for their failure to honor and remain faithful to Him.
A survey through Ruth, as an example of faithfulness resulting in God’s reward upon the woman as she diligently determined to follow the true God, despite the difficulties and discouragements of life. God honored her, allowing her to be in the line of the ultimate Redeemer, Christ!
God indicts Israel on 12 counts for their failure to honor and remain faithful to Him.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion (pt. 10) / Jude closes his letter encouraging believers to have compassion yet exercise caution as they deal with false teachers while possessing confidence in their ability to stand for the truth.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion (pt. 9) / Jude outlines God’s remedy for the false teaching that entered the church through the words of the false teachers.
What We Believe / The purpose and role of good works in the life of the believer is not to save or keep salvation, but to illustrate the work of God in His salvation of sinners and thus bring Him the glory He deserves.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion (pt. 8) / Jude outlines God’s remedy for the false teaching that entered the church through the words of the false teachers.
What We Believe / God is at work today, in and through the ministries of local independent indigenous called out assemblies of believers in His Son. The local church is simply to preach and teach the Word of God, and the doctrines revealed therein, not reform society, or bring in some kingdom.
What We Believe / During this present age, from the Day of Pentecost to the Rapture of the church, God is at work in the lives of His people using His Grace, not the Law, as the way of life to teach and impel us to live for Him.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion (pt. 7) / Jude details the speech, nature, character, and heritage of the false teachers who crept into the church.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ assures Christians—and all mankind—of eight realities.
What We Believe / At GBC, we embrace traditional dispensationalism. We interpret Scripture consistently in a normal, literal, historical, and grammatical manner which results in the following beliefs: a distinction exists between national Israel and the New Testament church; the New Testament believer is not under the Law for salvation or sanctification; Jesus Christ will sit on David’s throne in Jerusalem and ruling the earth for a future 1000-year period; and, God’s ultimate purpose is to glorify Himself.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion (pt 6) / Jude details the speech, nature, character, and heritage of the false teachers who crept into the church.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion (pt 5) / Jude warns believers about false teachers who have stealthily crept into the church just as God’s Word predicted.
/ We affirm the cessation of the “sign-gifts” that existed in the days of the apostles. We believe the Bible teaches that certain sign-gifts such as tongues, knowledge, prophecy, etc., were revelatory in nature and purpose. They are not part of the New Testament Church in the present time.
What We Believe / The moment a sinner believes Christ died for his/her sins, and rose again, to the saving of one’s soul, that person is placed into the body of Christ, the Church, of which Christ is the Head. Spirit Baptism is NOT a second work, subsequent to salvation, but simultaneous to salvation.
Jude: Neatralizing the Rebellion (pt 4) / Jude warns believers about false teachers who have stealthily crept into the church just as God’s Word predicted.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion / Jude discusses his reason for writing this letter—to exhort believers to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered.
What We Believe / What is meant by “the last trump?” It is the trump to call God’s people to Himself at the end of the church age.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion / Jude addresses his readers as those who are sanctified, preserved, and called by God. They needed to grasp this good news in order to battle the enemy.
The apostle John describes Jesus Christ as the eternal, personal, and divine Word who created the world and came to earth to reconcile mankind.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion / An introductory consideration of Jude’s epistle and its relevance to the church today.
What We Believe / A survey of some of the Denials and deception of Satan utilizes from his arsenal as he combats God through His people