What Will People Think? February 26, 2017 Pastor Gary Freel Hebrews Hebrews / To avoid apostasy, thoughtfully remember the beginning of your testimony determine to remain steadfast until the Lord returns
What Saith the Scripture? February 19, 2017 Pastor Matt Costella Romans The apostle Paul explains that justification comes by faith alone apart from works in every age.
The Benefits of Being Justified February 19, 2017 Pastor Matt Costella Romans The apostle Paul lists several benefits of justification by grace through faith alone.
Forgiveness February 12, 2017 Pastor Gary Freel Matthew Bitterness & Forgiveness / Bitterness is common, lethal, & curable if we are to exhibit the Christlike character God desires
Made Spectacles February 12, 2017 Pastor Gary Freel Hebrews For NT believers, there is no turning back to the old ways, despite hardships or trials, thus making us examples of followers of Christ
Resolve To Hold Fast February 5, 2017 Pastor Gary Freel Hebrews Hebrews / Because of the work of Christ, in which we confidently trust, which gives us access to God Himself, we must draw near, hold fast, and consider one another, stimulating the brethren to love and good works.