What I’d LIke to Hear About You May 29, 2016 Dave Knutson / Philippians is a reminder to be unified, shine as lights, to rejoice, and grow in Christ.
A Dying Church May 22, 2016 Pastor Matt Costella / The church at Sardis was living up to the standards of the world, but not to the will and Word of God.
No Escape, No Exceptions May 22, 2016 Pastor Gary Freel / The exclusive, only way of salvation was and remains faith/belief in Christ
A Tolerant Church May 15, 2016 Pastor Matt Costella / Christ speaks to the church at Thyatira and warns them of the danger of tolerating a false prophetess leading the church into error.
Angels: Spirits That Serve, But the Son… May 15, 2016 Pastor Gary Freel / Christ as God’s Son is superior in position and person than all creation, even angels
A Compromised Church May 8, 2016 Pastor Matt Costella / The church at Pergamos held fast to the Truth but compromised in their fellowship with those who espoused and propagated false doctrine.