Matt Costella has served as the director of the FEA since 2011 and is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church of Fresno which he planted in 2004.
Matt Costella has served as the director of the FEA since 2011 and is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church of Fresno which he planted in 2004.
Seven Things God Hates (pt. 3) / Because God loves man, He hates deceit and murder.
Seven Things God Hates (pt 2) / Pride is the root of all sin and the first in God’s list of things that are an abomination to Him.
Seven Things God Hates (pt 1) / Solomon provides a list of seven things God hates, and those who love God and others would do well to hate these same things.
Daniel: Who‘s Really in Control? (pt. 17) / A summary of primary lessons from the book of Daniel.
Daniel: Who‘s Really In Control? (pt. 16) / God’s messenger reveals important future information to Daniel, and just as some has already been literally fulfilled, the remaining prophecies will also literally be fulfilled just as God has promised.
While the gospel is foolishness and a stumblingblock to those who believe not, we must proclaim it accurately and sincerely. It is the only hope for mankind.
Daniel: Who‘s Really In Control? (pt. 15) / God allows Daniel to look behind the veil of the visible world and become aware of the spiritual battles going on behind the scenes
Daniel: Who‘s Really in Control? (pt. 14) / Throughout his life, Daniel remained steadfast in faith and character despite the circumstances in which he found himself.
Daniel: Who‘s Really In Control? (Part 13) / Daniel receives God’s 490-year plan for Israel–from their return to Jerusalem to the literal rule of the Messiah on earth.
Daniel: Who’s Really In Control? (Part 12) / Because Daniel believed the truth of God’s Word, he desired to humbly approach God and commune with Him.
Daniel: Who’s Really In Control? (Part 11) / Belshazzar failed to learn important lessons from the past. The Babylonian empire fell quickly during his blasphemous party as he was trusting in the walls of Babylon for protection.
Daniel: Who’s Really In Control? (Part 10) / Belshazzar failed to learn important lessons from the past. The Babylonian empire fell quickly during his blasphemous party as he was trusting in the walls of Babylon for protection.
Daniel: Who’s Really in Control? (Part 9) / God gave Daniel a vision of two coming world empires, and while this vision troubled Daniel, he believed it would come to pass as God declared and he continued pressing on in service to His God.
Daniel: Who‘s Really in Control? (pt. 8) / God gave Daniel a vision of the future which included a glimpse of the antichrist and God’s future victory.
Daniel: Who‘s Really in Control? (pt. 7) / God is in complete control, and He has the right to humble those who lift themselves up in pride.
Daniel: Who‘s Really in Control? (pt. 6) / Daniel’s three friends exemplified godly character and integrity as they refused to conform to the culture.
Daniel: Who‘s Really in Control? (pt. 5) / God knows the future and has revealed His general program for the Gentile nations of earth through Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.
Daniel: Who’s Really in Control? (pt. 4) / A clear difference should exist between the way a godly believer and an unbeliever deal with the trials of life.
Daniel: Who’s Really in Control? (Part 3) / Daniel purposed in his heart to put God first in his life. Therefore, when the pressures of life became great, Daniel exhibited godly character.
God indicts Israel on 12 counts for their failure to honor and remain faithful to Him.
Daniel: Who’s Really in Control? (Part 2) / A series through the book of Daniel. Through the good times and the bad, God is always in control and He reveals His plan of the ages.
Daniel: Who’s Really in Control? (Part 1) / A series through the book of Daniel. Through the good times and the bad, God is always in control and He reveals His plan of the ages.
God indicts Israel on 12 counts for their failure to honor and remain faithful to Him.
God indicts Israel on 12 counts for their failure to honor and remain faithful to Him.
Jude: Neutralizing the Rebellion (pt. 10) / Jude closes his letter encouraging believers to have compassion yet exercise caution as they deal with false teachers while possessing confidence in their ability to stand for the truth.