Matt Costella has served as the director of the FEA since 2011 and is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church of Fresno which he planted in 2004.
Matt Costella has served as the director of the FEA since 2011 and is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church of Fresno which he planted in 2004.
/ A Sunday School series on the book of Acts
/ A Sunday School series on the book of Acts.
/ In Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-23, Jesus prays for future unity of all who believe on Him. Jesus’ prayer was answered when the Father sent the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost.
/ A Sunday-school series through the book of Malachi that considers the interaction between a loving God and a rebellious, apathetic people who care little about their relationship with Him.’
/ A Sunday-school series through the book of Malachi that considers the interaction between a loving God and a rebellious, apathetic people who care little about their relationship with Him.’
/ A Sunday School series through the Old Testament book of Malachi.
/ A Sunday School series through the Old Testament book of Malachi.
/ A Sunday School series through the Old Testament book of Malachi.
/ A Sunday School series through the Old Testament book of Malachi.
/ A Sunday School series through the Old Testament book of Malachi.
/ A Sunday School series through the Old Testament book of Malachi.
/ A Sunday School series through the Old Testament book of Malachi.