Matt Costella has served as the director of the FEA since 2011 and is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church of Fresno which he planted in 2004.
Matt Costella has served as the director of the FEA since 2011 and is the founding pastor of Grace Bible Church of Fresno which he planted in 2004.
Faith Facts (pt. 5) / A walk of faith in this life requires a proper perspective between the temporal and the eternal.
Faith Facts (Part 4) / What does it mean to “walk by faith” as a Christian? This series considers the Scriptural exhortation to live each day in light of what God has declared in His Word.
Faith Facts (Part 3) / What does it mean to “walk by faith” as a Christian? This series considers the Scriptural exhortation to live each day in light of what God has declared in His Word.
Faith Facts (Part 2) / What does it mean to “walk by faith” as a Christian? This series considers the Scriptural exhortation to live each day in light of what God has declared in His Word.
Faith Facts (Part 1) / What does it mean to “walk by faith” as a Christian? This series considers the Scriptural exhortation to live each day in light of what God has declared in His Word.
Second John: The Universal Principle of Truth (Part 6) / The apostle John explains how to walk in the truth and keep walking in the truth when a conflict arises with those who espouse doctrinal error.
Second John: The Universal Principle of Truth (Part 5) / The apostle John spells out four particular consequences of a rejection of the truth.
Second John: The Universal Principle of Truth (Part 4) / The apostle John warns believers of those who enter the church and pervert the truth. He describes the permeation, the craftiness, the claims, and the position of these false teachers.
Second John: The Universal Principle of Truth (Part 3) / A consideration of what it means to walk in the truth including three characteristics of such a walk.
Second John: The Universal Principle of Truth (Part 2) / The truth unites us to God as well as to other believers who have embraced the truth and who love the truth.
Second John: The Universal Principle of Truth (Part 1) / An introductory consideration of John’s second epistle, including John’s purpose for writing and primary theme of the letter.
The Bible provides the only answer to the problems of the world. Apart from God, mankind will not find true peace or justice.
Secular humanism is setting the tone for western culture. This religion places faith in man and his inherent goodness as it attempts to solve the world’s problems apart from God.
The Lost Art of Listening (Part 3) / With all the voices demanding our attention today, nothing is more important as believers in Jesus Christ than to listen to Him and the Word He has given to us in the Scriptures.
The Lost Art of Listening (Part 2) / Three questions to ask ourselves to determine whether or not we are “swift to hear” what God desires of us today.
The Lost Art of Listening (Part 1) / The Bible is replete with examples of God speaking to His children and their subsequent decision to listen to every voice other than God’s voice.
We often grow weary in this physical body for various reasons, and yet the Scripture has much to say concerning how we are to deal with weariness.
The account of two prophets of God and the consequences of compromise teaches us to heed God’s Word and refuse to listen to anyone who has “another message” or “another take” on what God has already made clear.
Picture This: Christ’s Church (pt. 24) / How Christians live in the here-and-now matters. While we are assured of eternal life with Christ, our actions and motives in this life will matter at the Judgment Seat.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 23) / The next future event on God’s prophetic timetable is the rapture of the church. This “blessed hope” could occur at any moment.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 22) / The Bible provides the believer with guidelines for living in the last days before Christ’s return amid the rampant compromise and apostasy in the church.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 21) / The New Testament warns believers that as the age progresses, the church will battle false teaching and false teachers from within and without.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 20) / What role does money play in the ministry of the church? God’s Word explains that believers should give cheerfully and generously as God enables.
Picture This: Christ‘s Church (pt. 19) / A conclusion of a study of the ordinances of the church and an introduction to a consideration of the grace of giving.
The Ordinances of the Church (pt. 18) / A conclusion of the Biblical illustrations of the church and an introduction to the two ordinances of the local church: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.