Pastor Gary Freel is Senior Pastor at Grace Bible Church of Fresno and sits on the board of the Fundamental Evangelistic Association.
Pastor Gary Freel is Senior Pastor at Grace Bible Church of Fresno and sits on the board of the Fundamental Evangelistic Association.
The loss of rewards was devastating to the generation that came out of Egypt. It remains true and just as real for believers today!
Studies in Hebrews / Use the truth you know to grow into the believer God wants you to be
Studies in Hebrews / We must become skillful in applying the Word to life to grow into mature believers
/ The importance and implications of the Book of Daniel, an overview
/ A brief survey through the 400 “silent” years
/ The power and authority of Scripture is unsurpassed in its impact
/ To have the rest God promised, we must exercise biblical faith: belief and trust in what God has said.
/ The OT provides many illustrations and the NT uses these to admonish us as NT believers: Always Trust God!
/ Once Christian truths are embraced, they must be held steadfast and used to promote growth on to maturity, especially in times of affliction and temptation
/ Christ, through all that He endured in His humanity, including His incarnation, death, and resurrection, not only completed the work of redemption, but is the the one and only Savior of mankind
/ The exclusive, only way of salvation was and remains faith/belief in Christ
/ Christ as God’s Son is superior in position and person than all creation, even angels
/ The Faith, Family, and Fortune of a Godly Mother
/ Hebrews describes exactly who and what Christ is, identifying Him as the final and complete Revelation of God to man.
/ The stunning importance and impact the gospel of the grace of God has in the life of the believer from beginning to the end
/ Remaining steadfast in life and ministry is an imperative for all believers for all time.
/ No generation continues perpetually, but the Christian faith must. How may the next generation be armed with God’s truth?
/ The death of Christ for sinners is an essential doctrine of Christianity. It is truth that must never be forgotten.
/ The necessity of proclaiming God’s word can never be forsaken.
/ The Gospel: Christ Died for our Sins; Christ rose again–According to the Scriptures! A simple, but essential truth for all mankind.
/ Paul uses his own life as an example of what it means to be a godly mentor in good and difficult times and circumstances, to encourage all Christians to continue on in the faith!
/ Christ’s Death as the one payment for sin must be in our minds and message as we reflect on and proclaim the Gospel.
/ The Risen, Glorified Christ Is active today in a number of important ministries on behalf of His flock.
/ Christ became Man to redeem mankind from the sin into which we have all fallen.
/ It is not simply old testament prophecy that Christ fulfilled. He was active thought the old testament entirely.