The Laughing Couple’s Journey of Faith October 6, 2019 Dave Knutson Genesis Like Abraham and Sarah, we often fail to trust the Lord, yet He will faithfully fulfill all He has promised.
By Faith… December 30, 2018 Dave Knutson 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians The Apostle Paul gives us an example of how to live in, through and by faith.
Living God‘s Way in a My Way Word June 17, 2018 Dave Knutson Philippians It is easy to become distracted about what is important in today’s world. As believers, seeking God’s will should be our focus.
So Much More August 20, 2017 Dave Knutson Ephesians The Apostle Paul is praying for the believers in Ephesus to fully grasp who God is and what He has done for believers.
Did You Forget? May 14, 2017 Dave Knutson Isaiah No matter what is going on in our lives, God is there. He knows our situation and has the ability to help us grow; we need to look to Him.
What I’d LIke to Hear About You May 29, 2016 Dave Knutson / Philippians is a reminder to be unified, shine as lights, to rejoice, and grow in Christ.